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Beer column: This East Coast IPA collab is for the dogs (pugs specifically)

If you’ve been an avid reader of this column over its first six months (as Tobias from Arrested Development would say: “there are dozens of us!”), you know that I’m all about honesty.

So real talk – I do not write these columns on Saturday because I don’t typically work weekends. I usually write them on Thursday or Friday.

More real talk – A couple members of the newsroom are out sick today and it was very busy this afternoon. So, I’m already here late and, as a result, this won’t be an overly exciting beer column.

But enough breaking the fourth wall and enough excuses (as my old PE teacher would say, “excuses are the nails that build the house of failure”) – let’s get right to it!

I was at my local liquor store Thursday night on the search for a fun beer to feature and, unsurprisingly, it was the label that drew me to the Pug East Coast IPA.

<who>Photo Credit: NowMedia

It’s a collaboration between Vancouver's Superflux Beer Company and Bellwoods Brewery out of Toronto.

Pug is a follow up to a previous collaboration between the two breweries, the Pig West Coast Style IPA, which also has an adorable and eye-catching label.

Oddly enough, the east coast Bellwoods is the lead brewery on the Pig West Coast Style IPA, while the west coast Superflux is the lead brewery on the Pug East Coast IPA.

Confused yet? Same…

According to Superflux, Pug is “dry hopped with Citra, Simcoe, Cascade and Citra Cryo,” and features notes of mango peel, pine and grapefruit.

It pours a beautiful cloudy golden yellow and gives you a tropical fruit aroma on first whiff.

Much like you’d expect from most East Coast, New England or Hazy IPAs, the flavour hits you very smoothly with some great balance.

While this would be a perfect beer to enjoy on a warm sunny day, it’s a versatile IPA that can truly be enjoyed at any time of year.

If you’re a fan of IPAs and you have yet to hear of Superflux, it’s what the Vancouver brewery specializes in and they do a fantastic job with all of their beers.

You should be able to find the Pug East Coast IPA at several private liquor stores around BC, but if you’re unsuccessful, you truly can’t go wrong with any of Superflux’s creations.

Josh Duncan is the NowMedia news director and a craft beer lover. Reach him at [email protected]. His beer column appears every Saturday afternoon in this space.

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