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Top 10 hangover cures

We hear you - you'll never have another sip of whiskey, wine or beer ever again.

So for your final hangover, here are the 10 most common ways to cure a hangover. No guarantees that they'll work!

1. Water and Gatorade

Dehydration is one of the factors that makes you feel sick after heavy drinking. Gatorade and water will help replenish a lot of the electrolytes your is missing.

Quench your drive. Fuel your focus. #WinFromWithin

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2. Alka-Seltzer

Alka-Seltzer is the fizzy stuff that dissolves in Princess Margaret's drink in The Crown - that's right, Alka-Seltzers have been curing hangovers since 1931.

3. Eat fries, nachos and any other greasy food

It doesn't have to be greasy, but it seems to be everyone's go-to. Regardless, the goal is to get calories back into your system.

Poutine, bacon.

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4. Get some exercise

The purpose of working out is to sweat out the toxins - not work out so hard that you vomit. Saunas are great for sweating out the toxins, but the heat might not feel great.

5. Take pain killers for the headache

6. Take a few multivitamins

💊Supplement of the Day💊 ▪️Multivitamin▪️ ▪️If you don't eat enough fruits and vegetables, like most Americans (including myself most days 😸), it's a good idea to supplement with a multivitamin. ▪️All vitamins are required by our bodies for survival. Vitamins control the chemical reactions within the body to convert food into energy and living tissue. ▪️Vitamin Functions A - Vision, healthy skin and mucous membranes, bone and tooth growth, immune system health. B - Nerve function, vision and skin health, nervous and digestive systems. C - Immune system and cell protection. D - Absorption and use of calcium. E - Powerful Antioxidant. K - Bone, teeth and cartilage health. Zinc - Immune system health. ▪️They also contain plenty of major and trace minerals needed by our bodies to carry out similar functions and produce necessary hormones. ▪️I got this container of 500, at Costco, for around $10!

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7. Drink coffee

If you drink coffee on a regular basis, not drinking it could create a caffeine-withdrawal headache - the last thing you need.

8. Have a shower

Some people swear by going back and forth from a hot shower to a cold shower, to a hot shower, etc.

It's absolute misery, but it's supposed to increase circulation and help eliminate toxins.

9. Sleep

If you can sleep off the body aches and fuzzy brain, your body will be better off.

10. Don't drink

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