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The RCMP’s Musical Ride will be presented by the Rotary Club of Kamloops Aurora Centennial on June 22.
For about 30 minutes, a troop of 24 scarlet coated Mounties on black horses will perform a show of intricate figures and cavalry drills choreographed to music at the Kamloops Agri-Centre.
“Seeing the results of the work that goes into the choreography and drill required to get the horses and riders working together as a unit is truly something to be appreciated,” said Staff Sgt Sascha Fesenko, the Tk’emlúps Rural RCMP Detachment’s acting commander.
“It’s a show you really have to experience in person to understand why it has remained an iconic part of our history and tradition.”
There will be two performances on the day of the event, with one at 3 pm and another at 6:30 pm.
“Watching the sequence that the horses perform and the choreography of the horses, how well trained they are, it’s like watching figure skaters on ice, it’s amazing,” said Peter Lishman of the Rotary Club.
“It’s an opportunity that only comes around every five to 10 years, and it would be a shame to miss it right in our own backyard.”
The last time the RCMP Musical Ride was performed in Kamloops was in 2017, and this year’s event happens to fall within the RCMP’s 150th anniversary year.
In addition to offering residents the chance to see the Musical Ride, the June 22 event will feature pre-show performances including barrel racing competitions and Secwepemc Dancers, food trucks and a viewing of the horses.
RCMP recruiters will also be on scene at 2 pm to provide more information to those interested in learning more about a policing career.
It is believed that the first public performance of what evolved into the Musical Ride was performed in 1876 in Fort Macleod, Alta.
The Musical Ride has become a symbol of tradition, honour and pride that is recognized on a global scale.
It supports front-line police operations by building positive relationships, supporting recruiting efforts and promoting the RCMP’s image.
To be considered for inclusion on the Musical Ride’s national tour, non-profit charity groups have to apply for and meet a number of host requirements, such as stabling for the horses, horse feed and bedding, spectator seating and more.
Any profits raised from the Kamloops event, taking place at 485 Mount Paul Centre Way, will support Rotary Club projects, both locally and internationally.
Tickets are $50 for a family pack, $20 per adult and $17 for students and seniors, plus taxes and fees. They can be purchased here.
The RCMP's Musical Ride will also have several performances in Salmon Arm on July 1 and 2 to celebrate Canada Day.